Montag, 18. November 2013

BYU football game, penguins and a sleepy head ;)

Hey guys :)

Another week is over now :( I'm watching the Broncos game right now and decided to write a new post because they're winning anyways! :D They're playing against the Kansas City Chefs and the score is 24:10 for the Broncos ;) 
My host mom had a knee surgery on Friday and my host dad is turning into a "mom" ;) On Friday he vacuumed the whole house and he loved it, yesterday he cleaned the fridge and he made me a huge lunch bag for the football game :D It's kind of scary, though ;P That night I stayed up too late because I went to bed at around midnight and I had to stand up at 6:30 am to get ready for the BYU game in Provo :) On Saturday, we met at church at 8 am and left the church at about 8:30 am to drive up north to Provo, which is almost clear up in Salt Lake City. We had to drive 4 hours and when we arrived in Provo it started to rain. It was super cold!! Then we found our seats and the game started a little while after that. After 5 minutes of the 1st Quarter it started to snow and it became even colder :D After 5 minutes it was snowing so much so that we weren't really able to see the field! And instead of "blue and white"-dressed people, you could only see white-dressed people. We could proudly call ourselves "snowmen" :)
My new coat is the opposite of waterproof. The only dry spot on my body was the part of my head, which was covered by my hat!! The blanket, I brought had dog hair on it, so stank like wet dog after sitting in the falling rain an snow for a while! We left the football game after the first 5 minutes of the 3rd Quarter because we were drenched, cold and just done with the weather. It was kind of funny, when we tried to walk. I seriously wasn't able to feel my legs from my knees down, so I couldn't move my toes or feet. Clara and McKenna had the same problem an I'm pretty sure that we looked like penguins, walking down the stairs. We wanted to run because that's what you wanna do, if your cold, but it wasn't possible because of the following points:

1. We didn't want to break a leg..or two.
2. We didn't want to brae an arm..or two.
3. We didn't want the people to laugh at us.
We didn't want the people to laugh at the "3 drenched penguins, crawling on the ground, trying to stand up" (Synonym: "us").
4. We couldn't really walk that fast.
5. I think that I told you guys enough reasons now! 

Then we had to walk 15 minutes to our car. It was one of the longest walks in my whole life! When we saw the car, we were so excited that we started to run and we figured out that penguins don't really HAVE TO fly because they can run fast when they see the "finish line" (Synonym: "car") ;) The we just sat in the car for a long time. One reaon was the excitement about getting warmer, the other reason was that we couldn't really drive because the driver's fingers were literally frozen! :D After we finally started driving, all of us had to go to the bathroom very bad...apparently ;) So we stopped at the next gas station, but they only had only ONE toilet for each gender!! So two of us had to go to the men's bathroom, which was kind of bad because we all know what men's bathrooms can look like... ;P
After a one-hour-drive, we stopped at "5 Bucks Pizza" where we ordered 30 pizza because the whole day was a Young Women's and Scouts' activity and there was a total of 45 people. Our car was the first one that arrived, so we got the best seats ;) After dinner, we started our journey home. Most of the time we were asleep on each other's shoulders because we were shivering the whole day long and we had a huge dinner! I got home at like 8 pm and I was super tired!! I went to the downstairs living room, where my host fam wa watching Wrestling together my some friends (It was "Wrestling Night"). There was no space on the couch, so I was just kneeling on the ground behind the couch and putting my head on the backrest of the couch. I had my hands under my head and a hand warmer between hands and head. It was so comfy, even though I was kneeling on the ground, that I fell asleep after a few seconds. I woke up 1 or 2 minutes later because my host mom and her best friend we're taking pictures of me, sleeping in this funny position. My host mom just told me that I fell asleep three more times after that. I can't remember that, but I totally believe her because I was REALLY tired! So I went to bed at 8:30 pm an got about 12 hours of sleep before I had to wake up for church :) When I woke up, I was still tired, so I took a two-hours-nap after church. We stayed at church longer than usual today because one of my host cousins is going on a mission next week (right before Thanksgiving :( ) and he had to speak in "Sacrament meeting" and we had a huge lunch after church. After I took a nap I was still tired, so I just blamed my tiredness on the tetanus shot I got on Wednesday ;) And now I'll go to sleep again because it's 11 pm and I'm almost dying!! :)

That was basically everything I could tell you. I hope that you're all doing well in Germany! :) If you have any question, comments or just random stuff that you'd like to say, just write it down there in this comment-section-thing ;)

Bye and Good night!! :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. uuuuh, I like it! And I am really jealous.. :(
    I Love You! ♥
    Toilet Paper Friend..
