Freitag, 29. November 2013

Thanksgiving!!! :).....Finally ;)

Good ev'ning, people!! :)

It's 11:30 at night and "Turkey Day" is almost over. Its way late and I'm kind of tired, but I think I'll have forgotten everything that happened today, by tomorrow ;P 

I woke up at 8 am this morning (that's sleeping in, if you have 4 little host siblings!!) and got ready. After breakfast, my host mum and my host sisters and me made a "Veggie Turkey". It's a vegetable tray, but it looks like a turkey..I'm sorry! I really don't know, how to describe that, so here:

That's our turkey :) We left the house at noon and went to "Grandma Janet's" house and then we started eating at 1 pm after we blessed the food. We had pretty much EVERYTHING!! There was turkey, corn, rolls, mashed potatoes & gravy, yam, ham, salad, shrimps,...and so on!! After that we sat down and watched football, most of the people were just chatting :) Then at 3 pm we had dessert. We had Pumpkinpie, Apllepie and Pecanpie. :) We just ate A LOT!!! ;) After dessert we were talking and laughing even more and we all had weird feelings in our stomachs. I felt like I had to throw up for a second, but after a few minutes I wasn't even sure, if I was hungry or not :D it was just...weird!! And that's what Thanksgiving is all about: Eating, more eating, watching football, sleeping, eating, talking, football, sleeping....eating :D Really, though!!!
We left Grandma Janet's house at 5 pm to go to Grandma Bea's (great-grandma's) house. All the other people were gone and we just picked up the "Squash-pie" that she saved for one of my host sisters :) Finally we went home and just wanted to sleep or give our bodies a rest...because we were eating so much :D..., but then more and more people can and left at 11 pm :)

So...It was a very busy day. :)

I'm just so thankful for my family and friends in Germany, for my American family and friends and just for being here with awesome people that accept everyone and love everyone unconditionally! I love you guys!! :)

I hope you'll have a great weekend and a nice start in December :))

Charly :)

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